Barbados’ own Ramona Morgan defied the odds on Saturday to capture the women’s body fitness title at the IFBB Elite Pro Roger Boyce World Cup.

When Morgan was announced as the winner, a roar echoed throughout the Wildey Gymnasium in approval of the decision.

The roar of the crowd was a testament to Morgan’s dedication and the captivating display she presented.

Judges in the women’s body fitness category not only pay attention to muscle. They also evaluate a balance of symmetry and definition, while the athlete is expected to maintain a level of femininity and overall stage presence.

During the semifinal presentations, it became clear Morgan had brought something truly special.

Her impressive package earned her a coveted first call-out, alongside Tamara Feuglistaler from Switzerland and Blanca Centurion from Paraguay. These top three athletes stood out for their ability to showcase their physiques with confidence and grace.

In the end, the 46-year-old Morgan would not be denied, while Centurion earned a well-deserved second place and Feuglistaler placed third.

While Morgan’s victory stole the show, the entire body fitness category showcased a diverse group of athletes from Italy, Bahamas, Mexiko, and Venezuela who had honed their bodies to perfection pushing Morgan to deliver one of her best performances.

Other local athletes competed in the semi-finals, including Kara-Lyn Belle, Dionne Thompson, and Rashida Belgrave, all who displayed impressive physiques and stage presence.


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