Officers from the Barbados Fire Service have quickly brought a fire under control at B’s Recycling at Cane Garden, St Thomas which started just before 5 p.m.

Acting Divisional Officer Wayne Vaughan told reporters four tenders and 16 officers are currently on the scene.

“The fire fortunately for us today is one primarily of Class A material, which is cardboard and we will say we pretty much have that fire under control right now. We have been able to isolate it to one specific area and hopefully, within a short space of time we will have that fire completely extinguished.”
“We don’t suspect it will go any further, it can only get better from here,” he said.

Vaughan added that there have been no reports of injuries and investigations are continuing into the origin of the fire.

B’s Recycling owner Paul Bynoe.

The owner of B’s Recycling Paul Bynoe says he’s baffled as to how the fire started.

“I just can’ get this thing understand…just can’t get it figured out.

“Three-quarters of the staff had already gone from here, the little that were left, we were locking up to move on, set the alarm and move on and for whatever reason this is what we have to face before we could get off the property.”

“It is a good thing we got it contained and it did not get out of hand,” he said.

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