NASSAU, BAHAMAS- National Security Minister Wayne Munroe has accused Opposition Leader Michael Pintard of conducting a “cynical exercise” in the lower chamber on Wednesday in an effort to “keep an office on June 1st.”

Munroe made reference to The Free National Movement’s one-day convention slated for June 1st where Pintard is expected to go head-to-head with Former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for the FNM’s top post.

Munroe’s comments came on the heels of a session in the house of assembly where Pintard sought questions from Prime Minister and Finance Minister Philip Davis related to an Inter-American Development Bank loan, efforts to strengthen transparency, Bahamas Power and Light, and other matters.

Davis said he was not prepared to answer questions put on the table by Pintard.

Munroe, who served as Leader of Government Business in the House of Assembly, argued that Davis needs “input” from technocrats on the issues before he gives an answer to the opposition in the lower chamber.

Munroe added that while government is not shying away from answering questions posed by the opposition, Davis and his team are focused on the upcoming budget presentation which Munroe said requires lots of preparation.

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